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First issue is free. I can't wait to see mine! (PS-That's a screen shot, down there. The demo won't play. Click through to the link!) ...

Difficulty Level: Moderate Photoshop SkillsPhotoshop isn't just for zapping zits and adding freaky colors to sunset pictures! You can use it for fun, altered-reality pictures, too. If you have a tripo ...

Difficulty Level: If you have eyes, you can do this. Ambient light is often called available, natural or existing light. Lots of professional photographers have quotes on lights, but this is my favori ...

Summer is the time for natural light. What's your best shot? What time of day do you like to shoot? Wave jumping, Lake Michigan. ...

I just discovered In fact, an hour after hearing an interview with one of the founders, I had a site up and 50+ pictures uploaded. I always thought Flickr was too ugly and filled with too m ...

I've been trying to get a picture of my favorite pond for years. Jerking the camera vertically over a slightly long exposure did it. It's not a perfect pond but I love it anyway. The blur got rid of t ...

(Difficulty Level: from Newby to Expert)Digital cameras can produce freaky sharp images—it's one thing that sets them apart from film cameras. A DSLR doesn't have grain, it has noise—and that sounds a ...

This is a continuation of a previous post about getting "unfocused" with your DSLR. We all work hard to get pictures that are sharp and have perfect focus. Maybe we're missing the forest for the trees ...