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First issue is free. I can't wait to see mine! (PS-That's a screen shot, down there. The demo won't play. Click through to the link!) ...

Difficulty Level: If you have eyes, you can do this. Ambient light is often called available, natural or existing light. Lots of professional photographers have quotes on lights, but this is my favori ...

I've been trying to get a picture of my favorite pond for years. Jerking the camera vertically over a slightly long exposure did it. It's not a perfect pond but I love it anyway. The blur got rid of t ...

So, you just bought Photoshop. It's time to familiarize yourself with the rudimentary tools. Let's start at the very beginning! File: That's your picture! It's called a file because that's how it exis ...

German photographer Peter Langenhahn's process is incredibly laborious; similar to photographer Lori Nix, he can spend up to three months on a single photograph. But while Nix spends the time construc ...

A one-hour webinar on 18th July from 2.00 to 3.00 pm EDT. Click through and register! David Duchemin is an amazing and inspirational photographer and photo educator. Check out his blog and website. ...

A short video on Jon Rafman, Google Street View "photographer" (previously 1, 2). ...